ESP 110 Theories and Techniques of Career Counselling Prof. Dr. Metin Pişkin 6
Life-Span Development Prof. Dr. Neslihan Güney Karaman 6
ESP147 Social and Emotional Learning Prof. Dr. Neslihan Güney Karaman 6
ESP 125 Peace in Interreligious Learning Assist. Prof. Dr. Fatma Kenevir 6
ESP115 Human Resource Management Prof. Dr. Şakir Çınkır 6
ESP 119 History of Education Prof. Dr. İsmail Güven 6
ESP 129 Comparative Education Prof. Dr. Berna Aslan 6
ESP 127 Turkish Education System and Curriculum Prof. Dr. Fatma Mızıkacı 6
ESP 122 Instructional Principles and Methods Prof. Dr. Fatma Mızıkacı 6
ESP 124 Logic Assoc.Prof. Dr. Raşit Çelik 6
ESP 133 Music Education Prof. Dr. Salim Sever 6
ESP 144 Mathematics Education Era and the World Prof. Dr. Renan Sezer 6
ESP 136 Adult Education and Lifelong Learning Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gülden Akın 6
ESP 120 Art and Children Prof. Dr. Dilek Acer 6
ESP 126 Helping Skills Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gökhan Atik 6
ESP 130 Research Methods in Social Sciences Assoc. Prof. Dr. Celal Deha Doğan 6
ESP 131 Language Arts in the Elementary School Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ayşegül Bayraktar 6
ESP 135 Research in Teaching Writing Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ayşegül Bayraktar 6
ESP 137 Technology Society and Education Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tuğba Öztürk 6
ESP 138 Children Rights Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pelin Taşkın 6
ESP 139 Applied Behavior Analysis Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şeyda Demir 6
ESP 140 Teaching in Digital Age Prof. Dr. Yasemin Gülbahar Güven 6
ESP 141 College Adjustment and Wellness Practices Assist. Prof. Dr. Nesime Can 6
ESP 145 Environmental Education Assist. Prof. Dr. Burcu Çabuk 6
ESP 148 Contemporary World History Prof. Dr. Yıldız Deveci Bozkuş 6
Ottoman Culture and Civilization Prof. Dr. Yıldız Deveci Bozkuş 6
ESP146 Geography of Turkey I: Physical Geography of Turkey Assoc. Prof. Dr. Onur Çalışkan 6

Introduction to Philosophy

Prof.Dr. H. Haluk Erdem


Data Science and Applications

Assoc.Prof. Dr. Ergül Demir

ESP 149

STEM Education in Early Childhood Education

Assist. Prof. Dr. Tuğba Abanoz


Please continue to see whole courses.



Instructor: Prof. Dr. Metin PİŞKİN

The course  is intended for  all Erasmus  students, who are need  to  have a realistic attitude toward work and possessing the requisite skills for handling work related challenges underlies career adaptability.
This  course helps students think in new ways about the variety of challenges they encounter and the strategies they can use to manage their overall career development.The main objective of the course is to improve students’ career counselling knowledge and skills as to help their clients effectively.The content of the course is as follow: (1) The role, tasks and competencies of career counsellors. (2) Basic concepts of career counselling; (3) Helping skills; (4) Career planning process; (4) Measurement and Evaluation of clients; (5) Labour market and career information; (6) Decision making and action plan; (7) Theories of career counselling; (8) Job-search strategies; (9) CV writing;  (10) Job Interview techniques; (11) Computer assisted career counselling systems



Instructor: Prof. Dr. Neslihan Güney Karaman

Course Description: This course will provide an overview of theories and empirical research on developmental period in lifespan developmental psychology. In the first part of the course, we will discuss various theories of developmental psychology (e.g., cognitive-developmental, learning theory, psychoanalytic, ethological, and ecological). In the second part of the course, we will explore empirical findings related to cognitive, emotional, and social development across the life-span. In particular, we will discuss the basic physical, cognitive, and social processes at work during each age period (e.g., infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood); external influences affecting these processes; and the relationships among the various threads of development in each age period in this course.

Learning outcomes of the course are as follows:

– Understanding the basic developmental patterns and significant developmental milestones in infancy, childhood, adolescence, emerging adulthood, young adulthood, middle adulthood, and late adulthood/old age

– To identify major developmental theories and to be able to apply these theories to everyday examples of human development.

– Defining development as normative change with aging and to distinguish normative change from non-normative change.

– Using research strategies and critical thinking skills to evaluate results and outcomes from research, in order to explore human development

– Thinking critically and writing about theoretical or experimental research in life-span development, and bridging research findings to their own research and/or clinical practice ideas.

Content of the Course:

– Introduction to Developmental Theories (Evolutionary Theory and Ethology -Cognitive Developmental Theory -Psychosocial Theory -Psychosocial Theory -Social Role Theory)

– Life Course Theory

– Socioemotional Selectivity Theory and the Strength and Vulnerability Integration Model -Dynamic Systems Theory & Moral Development and Judgment

– Prenatal Development, Birth, and the Newborn Baby-Infancy & Toddlerhood:  The First Two Years Physical Development -Infancy & Toddlerhood:  The First Two Years Cognitive Development

– Infancy & Toddlerhood:  Emotional and Social Development, Temperament and Self-Regulation

– Middle Childhood: Emotional and Social Development- Peer relationship and Bullying

– Adolescence: Cognitive Development- Identity and Emotional Development

– Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood: Cognitive and Emotional Changes

– Marriage and the Family

– Parenthood and Postponement of Parenthood

– Personality Development across Adulthood

– Issues in Mid-to-Late Life Sexuality

– Cognitive Changes across Late Adulthood -Emotional and Social Development in Late Adulthood

– Caregiving -Medical Decision Making-Death and Dying



Instructor: Prof. Dr. Neslihan GÜNEY KARAMAN

Course Description: The aim of this course is to provide the skills and strategies to be used in supporting the social-emotional development of children and preventing problem behaviors. Within the scope of the course, topics including the social emotional development processes, the components of social-emotional learning, the strategies used to support the social emotional skills of children and adolescents will be covered.

At the end of this course, students will have the following skills:

– Describing social-emotional development processes

– Understanding the components of social-emotional learning

– Explaining the strategies on how to support students’ social-emotional skills

– Identifying how to intervene to problem behaviors in the classroom

– Following the necessary practices to support mental health and well-being in the classroom

Content of the Course:

– Introduction to Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)

– Social-emotional development in early childhood, middle and late childhood, and adolescence

– SEL: Definition and history

– SEL: An introduction to the five key components

– Self-awareness

– Self-regulation

– Social awareness

– Relationship skills

– Responsible decision-making

– Prevention and intervention in SEL



Instructor: Assist. Prof. Dr. Fatma KENEVİR

Course Description: The aim of the course is to give students information about the theories of religion, peace and conflict and to focus on the role of religion in justifying, generating, shaping conflict, as well as in solving problems and shaping peace.

At the end of the course students will,

1) realize basic concepts and research methods of history of education
2) analyze and to search educational processes in the world
3) analyze educational experiences of various civilizations according to recent conditions
4) search and analyze educational experiences through the human history
5) use methods of history of education

Content of the course:

The content of this course includes theories of violence and peace; the function of religion in producing and shaping conflict, the role of religion in resolving existing conflicts and ensuring peace, the causes of human aggression and conflicts; the role of religion in the resolution of existing conflicts and in providing peace; causes of human aggression and conflicts; religion in conflict management and resolution; the relationship between media, religion and conflict.

Week 1: An overview of the concepts of conflict, violence and peace

Week 2: Definitions of religion

Week 3: Conflict,violence and peace theories

Week 4: Globalization and religion

Week 5: Identity and Religion

Week 6: Religion as a system Justifying Ideology

Week 7: Power, politics and religion

Week 8: Religion and Peacebuilding

Week 9: The role of religion in creating solutions to conflicts

Week 10: Culture, Traditions and Religion

Week 11: Media and Religion

Week 12: Religious motivated hate crimes and hate speech

Week 13: Freedom of expression and belief and  human rights

Week 14: General evaluation



Instructor: Prof. Dr. Şakir ÇINKIR

Course Description: Contributing Student’s to recognize  field of human resources management such as job designing, planning and recruitment, staffing, personnel training, career development, performance appraisal and management, direct and indirect compensation, health and safety.

Objectives of the Course:

  • to recognize differences between human resources management and personnel management
  • to obtain an understand, knowledge and skills in terms of  job designing, job analysis
  • to obtain competence in terms of  personnel selection techniques
  •  to obtain an understand, knowledge and skills in terms of  performance appraisal methods and techniques
  •  to gain information about on the job and of the job employee training
  • to understand the compensation
  • to gain information about career planning and development

Learning Outcomes: In this course, student will be able to develop some competencies as follows: job designing, planning and recruitment, staffing, personnel training, career development, performance appraisal and management, direct and indirect compensation, health and safety In public and private institutions.

Content of the Course:

  1. 1. Management and human resources management
  2. 2. Emplyee training and develeopment
  3. 3. Needs assessemnet techniques
  4. 4. Job designing: Organizational analyses, job descriptions, Job flowing charts, job analyses, motion-study
  5. 5. Personnel selecting and recruitment techniques
  6. 6. Compensation
  7. 7. Personnel evaluation and job assesment
  8. 8. Motivation
  9. 9. Employee training and staff development
  10. 10. Retirement
  11. 11. Employee health and safety

Teaching Methods and Techniques: Group discussions, inviting guests, portfolio development, team works, conference, films



Instructor: Prof. Dr. Berna ASLAN

Course Description: The main goal of the course is to develop understanding about different education systems in comparative perspectives. It provides students with understanding of different systems, their similarities and differences. Also the course provides information about methodology of comparative education.

At the end of the course students will be able to:
– Compare different educational systems using correct methodology
– Understand the structure of different educational systems from pre-school education to higher education

Content of the Course:

– Introduction to field of comparative education
– Compulsory education in different countries: comparing policies
– Comparison of schooling in different countries (from pre-school to higher education)
– Methodology in comparative education
– Analyzing of some international exams (PISA, PIRLS, and TIMSS) with regard to school education.



Instructor: Prof. Dr. Fatma MIZIKACI

This course intends to familiarize the students with the main issues and developments in the Turkish educational system and school administration through a survey of system analysis and structure of institutions in the Turkish education system. Beginning from the early ages a historical perspective into the Turkish education is also covered. Goals and principles of Turkish Education, legal basis and regulative processes, structure of Turkish education system, management theories and processes, school organization and administration, personnel, student and instructional processes, administrative processes and community support to school are among the main themes of the course. By the end of the course, the students are expected to develop a comprehensive knowledge and a deep perspective on the basic issues related to Turkish education system and school administration in particular.



Instructor:  Assoc. Prof. Dr. Raşit ÇELİK

Course Description

The general purpose of the course is to learn to identify different kinds of arguments and evalute them, and to construct good arguments.

Content of the Course

Basic concepts and symbols of logic, propositional logic, predicate logic, traditional logic, definitions, translation from ordinary language to formal language and vice versa, testing for validity.



Instructor:  Prof. Dr. Salim SEVER

This  course  intends  to  give  a  general  view about  the  Fundamentals  of  music and importance of human voice.  The musical text and practice relationship will be the main focus and contribution to the teacher education process.



Instructor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gülden AKIN

In this course, basic concepts in adult education and lifelong learning, andragogy, AE and LLL activities all around the world will be introduced.

Aim of the course is to undertand the concept of adult education and lifelong learning, analyzing the different AE and LLL policies  around the world, gaining the awareness of difference between andragogy and pedagogy.

The following topics  will be discussed;

Introducing the basic concepts in adult education and lifelong learning.

Formal, informal and non-formal learning

Pioneers in AE and LLL

Andragogy and its basic assumptions

Learning approaches in AE

Necessity of adult education

How to plan adult education programs

Learning principles and theories in adult education

The reasons of enrolling and drop-outs in adult education

Lifelong learning policies of EU countries

Disadvantaged-groups in adult education

An example from Turkey: Village Institutes

Different adult education practices around the world



Instructor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gökhan ATİK

Course Description: This course introduces the student to skills that are useful in facilitating helping relationships. Addition to the importance of self-awareness as a helper and ethical boundaries for helping professionals, multicultural awareness in the helping professions will be discussed throughout the course.

At the end of the course students will be able to:

– gain interpersonal and intrapersonal relating skills (How do you see yourself? How do others see you? How do you experience the world?
– learn core-helping concepts, i.e., empathy; nonverbal, reflecting, and paraphrasing skills; treatment planning, and working with special populations.
-think critically, work collectively, and participate accordingly.

Content of the Course:
1. Self Awareness Project (15 possible points)
The purpose of this project is to increase your self-awareness. This project will include two pieces due at different times.

  1. A) (5 possible points) Complete an online personality test based on the Jung/Myers-Briggs typology. You can access this test at Upon completion you will be provided with a description of your personality typology. Print out the initial typology page and attach to a brief (1-2 page) reflection/reaction paper that is due on Tuesday, March 8th. This reaction paper should include your thoughts about how your personality type shapes your personal style of helping.
    B) (10 possible points) Cultural Genograms will be introduced in class on Tuesday, March 8th and you will be provided with a sample Cultural Genogram on that day. Your Cultural Genogram is due on Tuesday, March 29th.

You will pair up with a partner in class and will perform a Cultural Genogram Interview that will provide insight into your personality and what has shaped your personality. This will provide an opportunity for you to practice your interviewing skills and to learn more about yourself as a helper. Interview questions and format will be provided for and explained to you prior to the assignment. You will conduct the interviews during the class time on Tuesday, May 10th. The paper describing and evaluating your interviewing skills during the semester is due on Tuesday, May 17th.

  1. Multicultural Awareness Paper (15 possible points)
    Identify 2 specific groups of people that you might feel uncomfortable working with as a helper specific to the helping field you are most interested in pursuing. Answer the following questions as specifically as possible in a 4-5 page paper on the groups you identified:
    1) What experiences have you had with members of this group?
    2) What do you think will be difficult about working with members of this group?
    3) What biases or stereotypes come to mind when you think about this group?
    4) In what ways has the group been portrayed through the media (list specific examples)?
    5) What experiences might you seek in order to become more comfortable with members of this group?
    Your grade on this assignment will be based on how deep you dive into reflecting on this topic. All responses will be kept confidential; please be honest in your responses. Your grade will not be judged on the content of the assignment but on your ability to reflect on your responses. The paper is due on Tuesday, May 3rd and should be written in 12-point font with 1” margins.
  2. Helping Skills Application Presentation (20 possible points)
    Topics addressed in this course can often be observed in the media. This assignment is designed to help you recognize and critique how helping skills are applied in representations of helping relationships in the media. Your assignment is to find examples of a helping relationship (e.g., counselor, psychologist, psychiatrist, social worker, mentor, physician, teacher, nurse, coach, etc…) in the media, specifically in a movie or TV show. Present a brief summary and critique of the example you found (by showing a 5 min. clip from the movie, 5-7 min. summary presentation, and 5-7 min. discussion of 1-2 questions about the clip and the helping skills you present; 15-20 minutes total), including a description of the interaction, how it relates to class concepts, whether or not the skills used were effective, and what you think could have been done differently. You will be graded on the appropriateness of the movie clip chosen (5 points), ability to stay within the set time limit (5 points), discussion of at least 10 class concepts (5 points), and well-prepared discussion question (5 points). Presentation sign-ups in which you pick the movie and date you present will be held in class on Tuesday, March 8th. Presentations will be held on May 10th (Please provide a list of the concepts you will be discussing to the professor at the beginning of your presentation). A list of possible movies will be provided, but your suggestions are welcome as well.
  3. Self-Assessment of Counseling Skills (25 possible points)
    In 5 to 6 pages describe and evaluate counseling skills during the semester. Throughout the semester you should practice your listening/attending and empathy skills in class. During the in-class dyadic practices and the mock counseling sessions, you will receive feedback from the reviewers and fellow students. In the paper, for each conversation experience, you should write down the following:

(1) The situation (e.g., in-class dyad, mock counseling session, informal conversation), (2) Who you were listening/attending to and/or empathizing with (e.g., fellow student, friend), (3) The timeline it occurred during the semester, such as first mock counseling session, in early March), etc., and (4) The specific feedback you received (e.g., “My friend told me that I accurately attended to her feeling of frustration,” “A student told me that my stare was too intense,” “Several students told me that I was fidgeting too much during the mock session.”)

After you have collected all of that feedback throughout the semester you should thoughtfully consider all, and then, summarize what you believe your major strengths and areas that you need to grow more in the following semesters are in regard to your basic listening/attending and empathizing skills. Please follow APA style and formatting in your paper. The paper is due on Tuesday, May 17th.

Evaluation rubric: Evaluation will be based on the clarity of your summarization and the thoughtfulness of your evaluation. You will receive 25 points for a thoughtful well-written summary. Points will be deducted if descriptions are vague and/or lacking in specificity and clarity (Thoughtfulness of the evaluation = 20 points, Clarity of the summarization = 5 points).



Instructor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ayşegül BAYRAKTAR

Course Goal: This course introduces fundamental concepts and questions about oral and written language as it relates to classroom instruction and assessment, with opportunities to practice strategies and techniques for planning, teaching, and assessing literacy. Children’s continuing oral and written language growth includes experiences with the writing process, concepts to develop extensive vocabulary, listening, viewing and speaking, and a wide range of literature. The incorporation of children’s literature as a body of knowledge supports effective instructional planning and implementation for literacy development in a print/language rich environment.

Goals and Objectives:

  1. Understand and integrate language arts (speaking, reading, writing, and listening) in literacy lessons.
    2. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the writing process to incorporate communication of ideas and information conventionally, recognizing the power and nature of language and the characteristics of written forms.
    3. Identify and demonstrate strategies to model and develop instruction for effective communication through listening, viewing, and speaking.
    4. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of first and second language acquisition and learning.
    5. Understand language as a sound/symbol relationship (represents content, form, and meaning) in oral and written forms.
    6. Identify and match instruction and assessment with students’ cognitive, social, linguistic, cultural, emotional, and physical needs.
    7. Plan, implement, and identify appropriate resources, including a variety of media and children’s literature, that create both language-rich and print-rich environments.
    8. Use assessment and other diagnostic strategies to analyze student language and determine appropriate instructional strategies in order to assist the continuous development of the learner; use data from a variety of sources that include both traditional and alternate assessment strategies.



Instructor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ayşegül BAYRAKTAR

This course investigates main topics in writing education including gender, reading and writing connection, persuasive writing, fiction versus nonfiction, process writing approach, writing conferences. During the semester both theoretical and research based articles will be analyzed and discussed in terms of finding the similarities and differences among them. Based on research findings and recommendations, trends and issues regarding teaching writing will be discussed and assessed.



Instructor: Assist. Prof. Dr. Ahmet KAYISILI

The aim of the course is to provide an overview of relationship between society, philosophy and education. In this scope, it is aimed to introduce basic concepts and theories, seminal works, implications in intersection of society, philosophy and education.

Week 1: Introducing the course: methodology, reading list, assessment and basics of technology philosophies and sociology.

Week 2 : Philosophy and Education

Week 3: Society and Education

Week 4: Technology and Education

Week 5:  Determinism, pragmatism and influential authors:  Aristoteles, Heidegger, Orwell, Dewey, Bacon etc.

Week 6: Reflections of technology philosophy in the field of education

Week 7: Readings: Guns, Germs and Steel & Algorithmic Life

Week 8: Ethics, moral values and the İnternet

Week 11: Review of big scale educational technology projects in different nations

Week 12:  Society of Spectacles, media and education. Overview of the course. Discussing about group work reports.

Students’ qualitative and quantitative participants will be taken into account and also the reports produced by the students as assignments will be counted.



Instructor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pelin TAŞKIN

This course intends to familiarize the students with the main concepts and principles of child law. Concept and principles of children rights and historical background of children rights, United Nations Convention on Children Rights, children‘s rights in schools, freedom and welfare rights in school, children rights in child protection systems, children rights in the workplace are among the main themes of the course. By the end of the course, the students are expected to develop a comprehensive knowledge and a deep perspective on the children rights and be aware of protection of children against neglect and abuse, thus the lecture will contribute to develop an education system, which is sensitive for the rights, freedoms and reputation of children.

Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to

  • each children’s rights in the classroom,
  • evaluate and make comments on legal duties of the state on children rights,
  • take initiatives against child neglect and abuse.
  • increase the awareness of children rights in their school community.
  • explain the children rights, right to education, child protection systems and child advocacy.



Instructor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şeyda DEMİR

Course Description: The aim of this course is to teach the basic concepts of applied behavior analysis to teacher candidates.

Course Content: Foundations of applied behavior analysis, history, definitions, principles; applied behavior analysis and ethics; behavioral goals and targets, identification, measurement and recording behaviors; analysis and evaluation of data collected for the target behaviosr; the use of data to decide what to teach; identification of the functions of the behaviors; behavioral principles and transaction processes; reinforcement types and usage; tangible reinforcers, token economy; principles or procedures for the acquisition of new behaviors; principles and behaviors to reduce problem behaviors; cost of response and time-out; ensuring generalization; single subject and research methods.

Course Learning Outcomes

1) Remembers the concepts of applied behavior analysis.

2) Explains principles of applied behavior analysis for individuals with special needs.

3) Explains principles or procedures for the acquisition of new behavior.

4) Explains single subject and research methods.

5) Explains behavior management strategies.



Instructor: Prof. Dr. Yasemin GÜLBAHAR GÜVEN

Course Description:

This course aims to provide the framework that guide effective teaching in an age where we are surrounded by technology. Dealing with such a changing and challenging youth, every instructor has something unique and special to bring to his or her teaching in the way she/he perceives technology and integration of technology into education. Hence, besides providing conceptual knowledge and skills, practical implementations will be shared.

Course Contents:

  1. 1. Digital Divide in Education
  2. 2. The Nature of Knowledge and Teaching
  3. 3. Instructional Approaches (online, blended and face-to-face)
  4. 4. Technology Integration into Education
  5. 5. Innovative Pedagogical Approaches
  6. 6. Use of Media in Education
  7. 7. Instructional Content and Modes of Delivery
  8. 8. Trends in Future Education
  9. 9. Quality Assurance for the Digital Age
  10. 10. Building an Effective Teaching-Learning Process

Course Evaluation:

This course will use e-portfolio approach for evaluation. Students’ cognitive and constructive efforts will form the bases for both process and product evaluation.



Instructor: Assist. Prof. Dr. Nesime CAN

Course Description

In this course, students will learn and develop stress management skills for managing college adjustment issues, and coping skills to handle stressors along with learning the development of wellness plans to obtain or improve an overall sense of wellbeing in a new culture.

This course will also provide students with a basic framework for understanding of the college adjustment issues and concept of wellness while learning and practicing the various proven techniques. Both theory and practice will be emphasized, however the course is primarily experiential based. The course is applicable for all college students who are interested in experiential courses and reflecting their lives.

Specific Learning Outcomes

  1. 1. Students will demonstrate an understanding of college adjustment process as an international student.
  2. 2. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the concept of wellness and practice evidence-based wellness intervention.
  3. 3. Students will demonstrate an understanding of stress as it relates to overall wellness and its prevention.
  4. 4. Students will demonstrate the ability to learn and practice various techniques to improve an overall sense of wellbeing and counter the effects of stress on the mind and body.
  5. 5. Students will demonstrate the ability to plan and develop a personal wellness plan to counteract stress and adjustment issues related symptoms that interfere with health or productivity.

Course Topics

College adjustment, acculturation and adjustment related issues

The concept of wellness and wellness focused interventions

Development of a personal wellness plan

Social and emotional wellness & stress management

Practicing stress management techniques

  • Breathing exercises
  • Body awareness
  • Simple meditation and mindfulness exercises
  • Visualization & imagery
  • Refuting irrational thoughts



Instructor: Assist. Prof. Dr. Burcu ÇABUK

Course Description: The philosophy, historical development, resource identification and curriculum development of environmental education will be addressed in tis course. It describes the fundamental concepts of environment and environmental education for children as it connects the instruction and assessment in the classroom with prospects of practices out-of-class learning environments.

Course Objectives:

The student will be able to:

  1. Identify and discuss the foundations and goals of environmental education.
  2. Use the knowledge, skills, and concepts to show how the field of environmental education has changed over time.
  3. Explain the environmental literacy and its components.
  4. Describe why improving environmental literacy is essential.
  5. Explain environmental education standards in different counties and how they compare and contrast with national standards.
  6. Identify the national organizations related with the environment.
  7. Review the current research related to environmental education.
  8. Describe the exemplary environmental education and related materials which can be used in this education.
  9. Identify both benefits and criticisms of environmental education programs.
  10. Identify the places outside the classroom that environment education can be implemented.
  11. Design and implement lesson plans for both in class and out-of-class that integrate environmental education according to the national standards.



Instructor: Prof. Dr. Yıldız DEVECİ BOZKUŞ

This course provide students with theoretical knowledge about the First and Second World War, International organizations, the USSR, the Cold War period and international agreements, which have important effects throughout the world, and to teach the effects of the developments in these periods on an international scale in terms of Turkish and world history. It is aimed to provide students with general information about the structure and functioning of Contemporary World History, international organizations and the policies of the Great Powers in the period from the XIX century to the present. In this framework, it is aimed that students perceive the important developments in the international system in the history of the world and the role of these developments on the political, economic and history of societies. Thus, it is aimed to develop students’ ability to interpret developments in world history in a cause-effect relationship.



Instructor: Prof. Dr. Yıldız DEVECİ BOZKUŞ

The aim of this course is primarily to convey the concepts of culture and civilization to the students. In this course, the cultural structure of the Ottoman Empire will be examined and the content of the basic elements that make up culture and civilization will be evaluated. Then, all aspects of Ottoman culture and civilization will be discussed and the details of the developments that left their mark on the period will be emphasized. In this context, the judicial and military structure of the Ottoman Empire, as well as the central and provincial organizations will be examined. The course will also focus on the Ottoman palace organization and the socio-cultural structure. Ottoman institutions, civilization and the structure of state institutions will also be among the topics to be covered in this course.



Instructor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Onur ÇALIŞKAN

The purpose of this course is to provide information related with the Physical Geography of Turkey, its main parts are General Geological Structure of Turkey, Geomorphology, Hydrography, Climatology, Soil and Vegetation Geography of Turkey.
Objectives of the Course
To gain basic knowledge about the physical geography of Turkey:
• Geomorphology,
• Hydrography,
• Climate
• Soil;
• Vegetation geography of Turkey.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course, students will;
• gain basic concepts of physical geography of Turkey,
• acquire knowledge about landforms, climate, soil and vegetation of Turkey
Content of the Course
General geological structure of Turkey,
Geomorphology of Turkey;
Main landforms; mountains, plateau and plains of Turkey
General geomorphologic units; fluvial, volcanic, coastal, karstic, glacial landforms of Turkey
Climate of Turkey; temperature, humidity, pressure and winds
Hydrographical characteristics of Turkey; rivers, lakes, ground water and springs
Soils characteristics; soil types and their spatial distribution in Turkey
Vegetation geography of Turkey
Natural hazards in Turkey
Teaching Methods and Techniques: Lecture, small group discussion, practice, project, virtual field trip, fieldwork.



Instructor: Prof.Dr. H. Haluk ERDEM

This course deals with traditional philosophical questions such as ethic, philosophical anthropology, philosophy of education, ontology, human nature, freedom and work of art.

Content of the Course:

-Introduction to Philosophy: What is Philosophy?

-History of Ancient Philosophy


-Relationship between philosophy and education: Great educators

-Philosophy of Art

-Philosophy Facing World Problems



Instructor: Assoc. Prof.Dr. Ergül DEMİR

Course Aim:

In today’s data-driven world, understanding and using data is one of the most important and critical skill. In this context, this course aims to provide the attendees with a solid foundation in Data Science, equipping them with the preliminary skills and knowledge to study with data, especially in the Educational Sciences and Psychometrics. The course covers the fundamentals of Data Science, from data collection and preprocessing to analysis and visualization. Moreover, it includes basics and principals of predictive modeling and exploratory models with common examples. Practically, the course is supported with the applications conducted by the R and Python languages. 



By the end of the course, it’s expected to have the proficiency to: (1) Collect, clean, and preprocess data effectively, (2) study on dataset with descriptive methods, (3) data visualizations for effective presentation, (4) understand the applications of predictive and exploratory models to solve practical problems. 



The content of the course and brief explanations about it are presented below.

1. Introduction to Data Science

Context: This is your introduction to the world of data science. We’ll explore what data science is and how it is applied in various fields. We’ll also focus on the role of data science in problem-solving and decision-making. 

2. Data Science Fundamentals and Tools

Context: Building on the introductory, we delve deeper into the fundamentals of data science. You’ll learn the core principles and concepts that underpin data analysis and its systematic structure. Additionally, we’ll focus on mastering the basic tools and techniques in R and Python, setting the stage for basic data processing. The central tools for this journey will be R and Python, which you’ll get familiar with as we progress.

3. Data Collection and Preprocessing

Context: In this topic, we shift our focus to the essential phase of data collection and preprocessing. You’ll understand how to gather and clean data effectively. Furthermore, we’ll dive into R and Python libraries that make this process efficient and accurate, ensuring your data is ready for analysis.

 4. (Some principal) Data Analysis Techniques in Data Science

Context: This is the starting point of data analysis. You’ll explore some principal predictive and exploratory techniques for analyzing data and extracting meaningful insights. R and Python will be your primary tools for data exploration, enabling you to uncover patterns and relationships within your data.

 5. Data Visualization

Context: This extends your skills to data visualization. You’ll discover how to create impactful visualizations using R and Python, presenting your findings in a compelling and informative manner. Data visualization is a powerful communication tool that helps you to present your findings more effective and powerful way.



Instructor: Assist. Prof. Dr. Tuğba Abanoz

Course Description: This course aims to give an in -depth perspective on STEM education in the early years. At the end of the course, students will

        Be aware of which characteristics of a high-quality STEM education program contains,

        Design simple STEM practices for children considering the learning outcomes of science and mathematics education in early childhood,

        Operate design, application, and evaluation processes during the course planning stage,

        Prepare an integrated STEM activity plan to support children’s scientific process skills,

        Integrate climate change issues which is the one of today’s titles with STEM education practices,

        Develop effective strategies to ensure family participation in the STEM activity plan prepared for children in early childhood.



Learning Outcomes of the Course 

 1. Students describe the purpose and significance of multidisciplinary science, technology, engineering, and math education in the early years.

2.     Students design and implement action research to address a need identified in early childhood STEM education practice.

3.     Students use a variety of resources while creating early childhood STEM education activity plans and incorporates them into the programs.

4.     Students employ methods to support their varied growth in STEM education for young children during the activity planning process.

Content of the course

1.     STEM in the Early Years: Introduction

2.     Contemporary Issues in STEM Education in the Early Years 

3.     Pedagogical and Social Perspectives to Teaching STEM in the Early Years 

4.     Digital Technologies, Computational Thinking, and Robotics 

5.     Play, Digital Play, and Play-Based Learning 

6.     Early Childhood Educators and STEM Education 

7.     STEM Education Beyond the “School Fence” 

8.     Sustainability and Art in Early Childhood STEM Education

9.     Assessment and evaluation in early childhood STEM education

10.   Integrated Teaching Framework – STEM: ITP, Early STEM 

11.   STEM Cycline, and sample activity plans